Australia’s leading national newspaper The Australian reports on OpenSpark’s selection in the MasterCard Start Path global top 10 fintech startup program.
‘MasterCard Australian division head Richard Wormald said the only other Australian fintech to have made it into the Mastercard Start Path in the past was cross-border payments start-up AirWallex’
OpenSparkz is one of just three Australian companies to ever be accepted into the program, which includes the Unicorn Air Wallex.
Mastercard only select start-ups with the potential to scale globally.
“It’s a very tough process to get into the program and we are only looking for those start-ups that can scale globally.” Said Wormald
What is the Mastercard Start Path program?
Its a program that partner’s with startups from around the world to help scale their businesses
OpenSparkz is proud to join the Mastercard Start Path portfolio in a program that enables companies to gain access to Mastercard’s global ecosystem and to break new markets through relationships with Mastercard and their customers.
The full article from The Australian is titled “Mastercard’s Start Path boot camp for fintech start-ups” and was published in the Business/Technology section on 26 June 2018